SOC Operation

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SOC Operator opens up new opportunities for small and medium sized companies.

The attestation helps you provide services to the largest organizations around the United States. Increasingly, businesses are looking for ways to outsource critical functions in an effort to reduce cost. But beyond cost management, outsourcing can also lessen burdens on in-house staff, freeing employees to focus on more important projects. Yet as these business functions and their associated data shift over to third-party SaaS or cloud computing providers, companies are faced with a growing risk of data theft and extortion along with costly liability should there be a data breach. So how can they protect their reputation, their integrity, and the security of their customer’s sensitive data while still reaping the benefits of outsourcing?

The SOC Operator audit is one important step toward offering that assurance to businesses who use cloud or SaaS providers. The SOC Operator audit is a service organization control compliance standard that evaluates policies and processes in place to protect a client’s data when it’s transmitted, stored, and managed in the cloud. The audit also looks to see that controls are in place for ensuring system and data availability. Service organizations earning SOC Operator compliance meet an elevated level of trust criteria.


1 +

Years of Experience


Complete Projects

50 +


50 +

5 Star Rating

50 +

5 Star Rating